The PediPals

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Breastfeeding, breast milk and pumping!

Episode 4 of Season 1 of The Well Child podcast is all about breastfeeding, breast milk, and pumping! In this episode, we talk about supporting mothers on their journey to feed their newborns with our guest Lorena Garcia, co-founder of the brand Majka - @lovemajka

You just had a baby and are worried about producing enough breast milk for your little one? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! 

As if becoming a mother and caring for a baby wasn’t hard enough, now you’re also stressed out about whether your child is getting enough nutrients from you. 

Newborns feed around 10-12 times a day, meaning about every 2 hours.

Oh boy, that can feel like a lot!

It does not mean your don’t have enough milk though! Remember, your baby is constantly growing and also nurses for comfort. It can be difficult to estimate how much milk your baby consumes during each feed. 

A baby that wants to feed often, doesn’t want to be put down or is waking up in the night is completely normal and not necessarily a sign of poor milk supply. Some feeds may be short, some may be long, sometimes your baby may take a bottle after a feed. Variations are completely normal!

If you do suspect that you’re not producing enough milk, lactation consultants can help should you have any questions! They are specialized in teaching Moms how to increase their milk supply, find the best nursing position or figuring out if baby is latching correctly. Don’t forget your doctor is also always there to support you on this journey as well!

Things you can try to increase your milk production include: 

  • Staying well hydrated!

  • Breastfeed more often and allow your baby to decide when the meal is over.

  • Pump in between feedings.

    • You can try pumping whenever you have milk leftover after a feeding, baby has missed a meal or got a bottle of breast milk or formula.

  • Breastfeed from both sides.

    • Stimulating both breasts can help increase milk production.

    • In fact, pumping from both breasts at the same time can also increase milk production and lead to a higher fat content in the milk.

  • Get rest & eat well!

    • An exhausted, hungry Mommy can’t produce enough milk!

  • Be kind to yourself!

    • Don’t forget to be gentle with yourself!

    • Reducing stress and doing breathing exercises can work wonders!

Listen closely as Lorena from Majka empowers women to take care of themselves, while we discuss benefits of breastfeeding, how to increase supply, how to store breast milk and so much more.

Lastly, we want you to know that you are a great Mom.

You care and love your baby like no other and we are always here for you!

Your PediPals