How do you know when to start potty training your child?
Potty Training is something ALL parents stress about and obsess over. We get questions about this as pediatricians on the daily. Our single most important recommendation on potty training is: your child will do it when they are ready. This can range from 18 months to 4 years.
DO NOT FORCE POTTY TRAINING. Let them decide. One day, they’ll just do it. This is our PediPal PSA.
Why do we say this?
Forced potty training can lead to many negative effects like constipation and bed wetting. This is why we pediatricians and the AAP recommend that children should not be forced to train until they are mentally, emotionally, and developmentally ready.
How do you know if your child is ready? Look for some of these signs:
Wants to wear “big kid” underwear
Is able to dress himself/herself
Expresses interest in the toilet
Has regular bowel movements
Imitates parents, and follows parents into the bathroom
Follows simple commands and can sit/walk
Tells you when they have soiled their diapers
Stays dry for at least two hours at a time
Uses words, expressions, signs, or movements to say they need to pee or poop
Again, we want to say: don’t force potty training. It does more harm than good. Remember, there is no gold medal given out in being able to potty train early. So, let your child decide on the course of action.
As always, follow us @thepedipals, tune into our podcast, and let us know how we’re doing! Here’s to happy, healthy, and well-balanced children!
Your PediPals