Is that noise normal?

Normal Noises in Kids

I still remember bringing my first born daughter home. I had read every book I could get my hands on, I was a Pediatrician-in-training and I had worked with children my entire life. I felt about as prepared as they come. The first two nights in the hospital were a breeze, as they often are, because babies like to give parents a false sense of security. It is just like when they come to the doctor's office and act completely healthy, when five minutes ago, at home, you were wondering if you needed to take them to the Emergency room because they looked deathly ill. Don't worry folks, we see this every day. Your kids don't fool us.  

But then, when I brought my baby home from the hospital, I was suddenly met with reality. I slept with one eye open. Little did I know this would be a permanent sleeping pattern for me from now on. A million thoughts raced through my mind, but there was one thing in particular that was really weirding me out. 

What. Was. That. Noise she was making?

Was that a grunt? 

Was that her breathing? 

What was this new noise now? 

Was that a pant? 

Wait, I haven't heard this one before

Is this NORMAL?

It felt like every time I had gotten used to the baby noises she made, she would invent a new one. If it wasn't one thing, it was another, and it kept me up all night. My husband, on the other hand, was the complete opposite of me. It was as if "fatherhood" was a natural sleeping aid for him. The crazier thing was that on after a wall, on the odd moments that she was quiet when she was sleeping, I was hovering over her making sure she was still breathing. 

In my daily Pediatric practice, I often reassure new parents about the noises that newborns can make (and that keep parents up all night). These noises are rarely explained in baby books and most people don't warn us about them. These noises are also often normal. Here are some of the possible things your cute little bundle may be doing in the wee hours of the morning:

* Nasal Congestion

This is so common there is actually a medical term for it, "nasal congestion of the newborn". Babies have tiny little nasal passages and can sound very congested in the first few weeks of life.  They are also "obligate nose breathers" which means they only know how to breathe out of their mouths when they are crying. The rest of the time they breathe through their nose, which is why we notice this congestion. This nasal congestion is typically completely normal and can be remedied with a cool mist humidifier in the room, as well as an over the counter nasal saline spray and a bulb suction. 

  • Hiccups

Hiccups are a very common and innocent occurrence in newborns (and people of all ages!). They are thought to be due to a stimulation or irritation of a nerve called the "phrenic nerve". This can be due to programed exercises of the new lungs. Babies can even practice this in the womb! In fact, most mothers can recall their babies having hiccups in the womb. Hiccups get less and less frequent the older infants get. They are also typically harmless. Not to worry. 

  • Bronchomalacia

This is usually a louder sound, often described more like "wheezing". It is more pronounced when babies are laying down, and typically starts after a few weeks and improves over a few months. Your pediatrician would help you in this diagnosis, however, this is also very common and typically harmless.  

  • Periodic breathing of the newborn

Do you ever wonder why your baby seems to pant at times and hold his or her breath at others? It's just a sign of a healthy baby with a growing and developing brain! We Pediatricians typically worry about panting when it lasts longer than 20 seconds. 

  •  Reflux

It’s no mystery that all babies have reflux, some worse than others. Reflux can cause fussiness, back arching , a lot of spit up and sometimes even a gurgling noise after feeds (or in sleep). 

  • Grunting

This is a tough one, but babies can grunt as they are digesting and producing gas. They love to do this instead of restful sleep. This improves a lot as they mature! There is a type of grunting that can be a sign of respiratory distress to be sure to talk to your pediatrician about your concerns if you have any!

In summary, most of the noises your baby makes are perfectly normal. Warning signs of something more serious can include blue or purple lips, a baby holding his/her breath for more than 20 seconds at a time, or fever in the first 28 days of life. Your pediatrician will make sure your baby is growing and that his exam is normal during all your scheduled wellness appointments. At our pediatric practice, we love to ask parents to take video of what concerns them, so we can review it during checkups and reassure parents. Especially since we know kids will never do it on command!   

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