Toddler Tantrums

You’re out running errands with your toddler and they desperately want you to buy them just one more piece of candy. You say no. Next thing you know, your child is in the middle of a full-fledged temper tantrum. Screaming, hitting, kicking, breath holding… As parents, we know all too well about those tantrums and sometimes it seems like nothing we do helps! 

Temper tantrums are a completely normal part of growing up!

It is how many young children express their frustration. Some kids may have a tantrum when they are tired, hungry, or uncomfortable. Some when they don’t get something or someone to do what they want. They may have trouble figuring something out or completing a task and don’t have the words to express their feelings - yet. Over time, kids learn how to deal with their negative emotions.

While there are no one-fits-all rules to deal with tantrums, there are some general do’s & don’ts you can try!

For the most part: Most tantrums deserve NO attention! By taking away your attention completely, you won’t reinforce your child’s undesirable behavior. 

Your PediPals Top Tantrum Tips include:

  • Don’t give in to hitting, throwing, kicking, or biting! Remove your kid from the situation and make it clear that hurting others is not acceptable.

  • Positively reinforce GOOD behavior! If you “catch” your kid doing something nice, praise them so they are more likely to repeat positive behavior!

  • Create a distraction! Usually kids are easy to divert, so switching gears quickly, may stop them from going off the deep end.

  • Use the word “no” sparingly. This way kids learn that “no” really means “no”.

  • Acknowledge your child’s frustration and help undo it. If they are struggling with a task, help them accomplish it and feel confident. If it is a safety issue, offering an alternative can help sometimes too.

  • Give your child a hug! Hugging your child in a moment when they are unsure about their feelings can help make them feel secure. They know that you still care about them, even if you don’t like their behavior.

  • Prepare for possible temper tantrums! If you know that certain situations make your child feel uncomfortable and prone to outbursts, bring their favorite toy with you and make sure they are well rested and well fed prior to the event.

  • Lastly, pick your battles! Sometimes your kid may just need to get their way or get their anger out. Let them!

At the top of the DON’T list are things like:

  • Yelling

  • Hitting, or

  • Shaming your kids.

Remember, there is no right way to deal with a toddler tantrum!

As parents, we know that you can’t parent one child the exact same way as you parent the next.

You know what works best for you and your child!

Your PediPals


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